
Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Momentous Occasion

I have finally reached 50 Followers as of today!  Woohoo!  A HUGE thank you to all who have signed up to follow me, for those of you who faithfully read my blog whenever I publish a post and especially to those of you who take a few minutes to make a comment!  I enjoy reading each and every one; some make me laugh, some make me stop and think and others I learn from.  Thanks again for becoming a part of my country/cyberspace world!

We had a brief shower this afternoon, and I mean brief!  But, I will never complain about any rain that we receive and am always thankful because I know of several places that haven't had any rain in months.  When the rain ended, the sun came out so I ventured outside with my camera to see what was going on in my yard!  I didn't even make it off the front steps when I spotted this beauty staring at me!

I guess I started getting a little too close so he scampered over to another part of the plant...

Then, he started bouncing up and down so I knew what was coming next...

I'm not sure what that means but I decided to leave him alone since he was trying to get a drink from the water on the leaves.  Thanks for posing Mr. Lizard!

Thanks for stopping by; y'all are awesome!

Till next time,


TexWisGirl said...

what a beautiful anole! posing and showing off for you!

congrats on 50! may you get 500 more! :)

Nancy said...

You know, I had one of these when I was a kid (how I ever convinced my mother to let me have one is a mystery,) and I never knew what it was. I called it a lizard. It never put on this display though. Good thing -- I think my mom would have put it outside. :)

Yay for 50. You have a wonderful blog and more followers/friends will come.

Tammy said...

Love Love the green on green. And that last shot is a doosy :)

Debbie Linkous said...

That either means he's trying to warn you off by being big and bad, or he likes you...alot! LOL

Lynn said...

Cool pics but I don't mind telling you I'm glad he was in your yard and not mine:@)

Lisa said...

Brilliant shots of that little critter. Wow. Love the green also.

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

I love these little guys! I never get tired of looking at them.

Christine said...

Cute little anole! They usually show off like that for the lady anoles! He must have liked you!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think I like the first picture the best - that shade of green is incredible!

~Kristin~ said...

Woo HOO! Happy #50!!!

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