
Saturday, September 3, 2011


Yesterday morning after enjoying our coffee on the front porch, Country Boy and I walked around our property trying to find a new location for our vegetable garden and possibly a pasture down the line for some dairy goats. Our property is mostly wooded with a clearing for basically the house and the front and back yards.  We love it because it is very private and the temperature is always cooler than in town.

Country Boy took this image a while back but this is what our property looks like.  (He did a great job!)

While we were walking around, Country Boy walked into this...

A rather large Banana Silk Spider!  Yikes!

I'm not sure who was more afraid, my hubby or the spider!

But, let me tell ya... Country Boy jumped back, arms flailing and the spider went scurrying to the top of his web!  If you knew my hubby, you would know that nothing bothers him.  Except spiders.  Get the picture now?!  I'm just glad I wasn't directly behind him or he would have backed into me, knocked me down and then landed on top of me!  (Things you learn after almost twelve years of marriage... don't walk too close when in the woods, heehee!  But, do let him walk in front of you for just this reason... I know, I know, I'm terrible... knowing his fear of spiders and all.. what can I say?!  Better him than me?!)

Do you see the other spider in the web?  That's a typical size spider.  This one that Country Boy came face to face with (and they're always at face level... ever notice that?) is M-A-S-S-I-V-E!  After recovering a bit, he grabbed a stick to knock it down and kill it but I wouldn't let him because I had to get a picture!  So, after giving hubby and the spider some time to calm down, I went back and took these images.  He's forgotten about the spider for now... 


It has been a beautiful day today!  We woke up to temps in the mid-sixties.  Country Boy headed off to work while I headed into town to the local supercenter to get some food for the animals... cats, birds, squirrels.  Oh, and some produce for us humans!  Then I headed outside and started prepping the garden for the fall crop.  More on that later!  I've had the house opened up all day and I'm lovin' it!

I hope you're having a fantastic weekend!  I know I am!

Till next time,


Nancy said...

Thank you for sending the cooler weather our way -- it's beautiful today!

I love those spider photos --- funny how your hubby is afraid of them. I guess every Superman has his Kryptonite, right? :)

TexWisGirl said...

she's a beauty! they don't bother me as long as i don't walk into them. but if i do, then yeah, i get the willies too. wonder if that's the male spider (the little one).

Tracy said...

That is too funny! I do the same thing with my hubby... I always make him walk in the woods first but mine is more for snakes then spiders.

Anonymous said...

Great shots ~ that is one scary big spider!

thanks for visiting :)

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

The top photo by Country Boy is fantastic! It must be a lovely place.

Lynn said...

Love the shot of the trees! Happy Labor Day Weekend:@)

Tammy said...

Love the rays of light streaming through the trees. And the spider, wow, she's way too cool.

Debbie Linkous said...

Sorry, but nothing beats the foot mister at the beach. He and CG were walking in front of me and MedicMan and CB steps on an auto foot mister going down the ramp to the beach (for the people coming up from the beach to wash the sand off of their feet). CB was looking way ahead at the surf and when he stepped on the mister he did a jig and nearly knocked CG out of the way getting away from it. I had to stop in my tracks, doubled over from laughing and trying not to wet my pants. Still giggle each time I think of it. That's why we keep him around - he's our entertainment at his own expense. But we love him! :)

CountryDew said...

Nice shots, though I'm not fan of spiders!

Anonymous said...

My hats off to Country Boy for that top photo...that light streaming down is glorious!

That is one HUGE spider. You are a brave lady to get that close to that thing! LOL

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