
Monday, May 21, 2012

Baby Bunny Question For You

OK, so Hunter just brought me a baby rabbit and it's still alive (unlike the one the other night, sigh). What should I do with it? I have it in a cage and put some Romaine lettuce in there. I have no idea where Hunter got it but have seen some rabbits at the front of the property. Should I release it somewhere up there in the morning or let it get a little bigger before releasing it?  It's so small, I'm afraid it might not find its way back to its Momma.

Till next time,


TexWisGirl said...

i'd have to turn to google for advice...

Trails of Grace said...

I would not feed the rabbit lettuce, it will give them diahrea. If you choose to keep the little thing for a while, you might give it some dry straw, or dried grass,deep dark leaves from your garden (broccoli leaves, etc). They love sunflower seeds as well. If he/she does get the runs (sorry) you can give it some weeping willow leaves to munch on, which should clear that right up. Best of luck with that! YOu can pick up some alfalfa rabbit pellets to feed him or her as well... you know if you keep it the droppings are GREAT instant fertilizer for your gardens!!!

Gail Dixon said...

I'd look for a wildlife rehabilitator in your area. If you have a 24 hour animal emergency clinic, give them a call and see if they have a phone number. Otherwise, a day veterinarian might be able to direct you. Good luck! Poor thing.

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